Make a Luminary for the Community Covid-19 Memorial at West End Lights

Make Your Own Memorial Luminary

As we gather with neighbors to enjoy food, drinks, and festivities at West End Lights, we will also be taking the opportunity to join together for a community memorial to honor those our community has lost to the Covid-19 pandemic. We at WBNA have noticed that while neighbors have shown up for one another in many beautiful ways these past two years, we have had few opportunities to really come together as a community and acknowledge those we’ve lost collectively. So at sunset on Saturday, February 26, we’ll be gathering in Dexter park and lighting these colorful handcrafted luminaries to celebrate the ongoing light of our missing loved ones. We will have some pre-made luminaries available, and below you can find instruction to craft your own.


A plastic water bottle with the top third cut off

Tissue paper (or another thin, colorful material)

Glue (and a paint brush or sponge with which to apply it)

Candles (electronic candles will be provided at the event)

Step 1. Cut up tissue paper into pieces

Step 2. Apply glue to plastic bottle

Step 3. Arrange paper on the bottle

Step 4. Let dry and light