Westminster Street Improvement Program

In 1999, WBNA secured federal transportation funds for the length of Westminster Street from the I-95 Service Road into Olneyville Square and up Manton Avenue. After a 12-year RIDOT design process (bureaucracy), the project was completed in 2011. Work included installation of decorative lighting, a new traffic light on Barton Street, and improvements to Canonicus Square and the Rt. 10 overpass.


  • Reconnect the neighborhood to Olneyville and Downtown

  • Make Westminster Street safer and more pedestrian-friendly

  • Provide environment where businesses want to locate and serve the community (a place to BE SWELL)

  • Contribute to the revitalization of one of our “Main Streets”


ARRA funds (Community Development Block Grant funds, City Bond, Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program fund, Transportation Efficiency Act funds) totaling $4.4 million

What you can do

  • Work with WBNA to add public art, bus shelters, trash cans, and other amenities

  • Submit tree applications to the Providence Neighborhood Planting Program to plant MORE trees on Westminster St

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