PVD Comprehensive Plan

Every 10 years the City of Providence updates its Comprehensive Plan. This document guides development throughout the city and dictates how land is used to meet goals around housing, economic development, sustainability, transportation, and more. The WBNA has been conducting a neighborhood outreach campaign and soliciting input to help the city design a plan that is reflective of neighborhood values.

Volunteers from the WBNA and the WBNA’s Community Development Committee (CDC) developed a survey – in English and Spanish – to gather input from neighbors. Based on prior outreach, affordability and transportation were identified as top concerns among neighbors and so these were the two primary focus areas for the survey. The survey was distributed via social media, WBNA’s website, door knocking campaigns, postering, tabling, and during public meetings. One hundred sixty individuals responded to the survey.

The WBNA also coordinated four separate, in-person public gatherings to introduce the Comprehensive Plan to neighbors and encourage discussion on the topic. Meetings were coordinated in partnership with Wiggin Village and the PVD Streets Coalition. The WBNA was given the opportunity to introduce the neighborhood-specific survey at meetings organized by the city and staffed tables during outdoor markets to engage neighbors in dialogue and capture sentiment related to ways in which the Comprehensive Plan can be shaped.

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