Armory Conversation
In collaboration with the Providence Preservation Society, WBNA is hosting a stakeholder conversation about the Cranston Street Armory Thursday, 1/23 at 9am. We will start with a tour of this iconic building given by Taylor Polites and then head to the WBNA HQ to hear from some of the folks who have been most involved in working to reimagine the Armory over the years.
With special guest, Sandra Lobo, Executive Director of the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, who will share about their 30-year successful effort to equitably redevelop the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx (she will give the keynote at PPS’s Annual Meeting the night before and will stay over to share elements of this keynote on the 23rd)
Email if you are interested in attending, space is limited.
Coffee, juice and pastries will be served.