Business Membership
Business Membership is $125 annually – all of which goes to support the important work of WBNA.
Please note that if your business is under one year old, annual membership is $75.

Benefits for Business Membership Holders
Invitation to monthly WBNA Business Network events for business members in the area
Voice in shaping the neighborhood
Free marketing and promotion for your business events through WBNA’s social media channels, web presence, and newsletters
Pre-registration opportunities for WBNA events
For new businesses – access to mentorships from seasoned business owners in the community
Opportunities to sponsor WBNA events for additional marketing exposure
Meaningful volunteer experiences

Become a Business Member
Clicking ‘Submit’ will automatically redirect you to our online payment page.
In lieu of online payment, membership can also be paid by submitting a check to: WBNA, c/o Siobhan Callahan, 1560 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02909.
If you would like us to send you an invoice, please email
Our Business Members